Valer Sabadus inspires in Schwäbisch Gmünd

With alto Terry Wey as his partner and the Freiburg BaroqueConsort, Valer Sabadus presented Pergolesi's Stabat Mater alongside Vivaldi motets in the Augustinus Church in Schwäbisch Gmünd on 29 July. "Both offer a first-class sound experience in the interplay with the smoothly intoning Freiburg instrumental soloists," writes the Schwäbische Post. Sabadus presented the motet "Sum in medium tempestatum" with "fabulous crescendo and baroque "scat" singing"; with Pergolesi, the two countertenors shone in "flawlessly clackless heights achieved without a mill". Minutes of "standing ovations" at the end. Read the entire article here.